I Watch As Barry Cuts Trees Off the Forest Roads

Thursday 27, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Road work

Barry came by today. He wanted to go up and cut some fallen trees off the roads so I joined him on my bike.

We rode up to here where I parked for a break while Barry rode up a steep hill to the left to cut a tree off it while I waited.baerry1

Then we moved to this spot. Barry  had to walk up this hill too while I waited. I threw rocks off the road while he did that. He’s returning, tired out, after going up a real steep  hill with his saw.barry2

Next we rode down this road to do some more work.trail3

We stopped here before the hill got real steep going down and Barry took his saw down the trail to cut some trees off the road.barry5

While he was doing that, I got out my clippers and worked on widening out this part of the trail a bit until my back said it’d had enough.bikes3


We were both pretty tired out after that so we rode over to this spring for a drink of water.sspring6

Then we moved over to this spot where Barry did some more work on a tree while I waited.bikes7

This is the spot where i have a little pool of water.pool7

Barry is trimming a downed tree off the road on this road.sawing9

We continued on to this tree where Barry  made the sawdust fly. This one was almost too large for the chainsaw he had.cutting11

He had to cut the log into smaller ones so we could roll them off the road.logs12

Barry was pretty beat after that last one so we headed towards home stopping at this spring for a drink of water. Nice to have all these springs on the property.spring13

We had one more small tree to cut so we diverted from our homeward trek to cut it off the road.barry14

We made it back to my place and Barry took off for  his place. I went in for a nap.

Nice day.

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One Response to I Watch As Barry Cuts Trees Off the Forest Roads

  1. Gerald says:

    Well deserved naps after all that! Glad the custom chainsaw rack is being used.

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