Installing the Van’s TBI Wiring Harness and No Freezer Delivery

Tuesday August 24, 2021 Guerneville CA.

No freezer

I was supposed to get a new freezer delivered today so I cleared stuff out of the way and opened the main gate all to no avail as they didn’t show up and delayed my delivery for another week which they didn’t tell me until the end of the day. Oh well. Lucky the old one is still working a little.

Van’s TBI Wiring Harness

Of course I did some chair hopping to start off the day and figure out how to proceed on what I was doing today which was to get as much of the new wiring harness installed as possible.

I start by getting the van opened up and then think about it for awhile doing some chair hopping.van


New harness

This is the new wiring harness that runs all the computer stuff that I want to get installed today. It’s mostly fairly easy to install as most of the stuff has plugs that plug into stuff. But there are some wires that need hooked up with connectors and some need to be extended to make them work.harness


I started by laying out the harness and plugging in most of the plugs.installing


Then I worked on all the single wire hookups  and extended the wires that needed to be longer working at a slow pace to minimalize mistakes as much as possible.

At the end of the day it looked like this with most of the wires hooked up except for a couple of them. I also need to install the spark plug wires next.engine


I was able to get most of the harness all hooked up and some other stuff too during the process.

Once I get all this wiring done and a few other things I still have to finish hooking up the gas lines and some wires on some gauges and it should be ready to test it all out.

Chickens at the gate

The chickens were eager to get out to graze in the front yard tonight, so I let them out into it about six PM.gate


There they go out to graze in the front yard.chickens


While they were doing that I was chair hopping and thinking about what I need to do to get the van all finished up.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Installing the Van’s TBI Wiring Harness and No Freezer Delivery

  1. Steve Mac says:


  2. Patsy+Irene says:

    Meant to say sorry about the freezer delay. That’s a bummer, good thing you weren’t desperate!

  3. Patsy+Irene says:

    I’m sure glad it is YOU who is fixing the wiring harness! LOL you really do know a lot of things. Your name should be Jack. :)
    I agree with Barb, those chickens at the gate are ready to run!

  4. Barb in Florida says:

    When you open the gate do you say “on your mark, get set, go…….”
    Too funny! I have enjoyed your chicken video more than once.
    Good progress on the van. Is there anything you can’t do?
    Have a good productive day, Bob.

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