Jeep Ride Got Canceled But We Go For One Anyway

Wednesday March 14, 2018 Quartzsite Arizona

Jeeping in the Plomosa  hills

Today I was going jeeping with Marty and Pattie with the Wednesday Jeep group, but this morning that trip was canceled so we were just going to hang out for the day.

But around noon Marty says how about we jeep over to the Plomosa hills for a ride so I got my stuff together and we took off.

We headed out the Sunkist Road on the northeast of Quartzsite.

This is the road.road1


Airing down

Eventually Marty stopped to air down the tires. This makes for a more comfortable ride and gets the jeep though sandy spots much better.air2


Once we were in the Plomosa hills there were lots of four wheeling roads so we took off going up this one.raod3


This was an even steeper one that dived down the other side without being able to see the road on that side at the top. But Marty said he’d been here before.road4


Rocky hole in the ground

We spotted this hole in the ground so we stopped to explore it a bit.hole5


We walked in just a little ways. They appeared to have mined some whitish looking stuff,not sure what it was.mine6



We were back on the jeep trail cruising around. This is a mining area with lots of claims so most of the roads go in loops and they go all over the mining claim area.road7


Where’s that trail

Marty was trying to find a trail he knew about through these hills,  but he wasn’t sure where it was.road8


We stopped at this rain water collector. The rain water hits the roof and flows into a water tank and into a water trough for animals.collector9


Big holes in the ground

Marty was telling me there were some big holes up ahead if he could find them and he finally did. They look like old mining shafts and they were deep and I stayed back.shaft10


Down in the wash rocking it

We continued to drive around the roads until we  went into a wash and followed it for quite some time.rapd11


There were some rocky areas so we took them as they came crawling over them.wash12


Some of the rocky areas weren’t too bad and some were a bid harder to get over.wsh13


Marty drove through most of them.roack14


Even this one after having a look at it. Piece of cake, went right through.rokcs15


Eventually the wash was mostly sand as we were headed out back to the pavement for a bit.wash15


Snake on the road

Back on Sunkist road we spotted this stick in the road which turned out to be a rattle snake getting some sun.snake16


It was fairly active as I took some pictures of it.rattlesnake


And it had a nice set of rattles.tail


We left driving around the snake as to not hurt it so it could go on it’s way.

We were back in Quartzsite shortly all worn out.

No morning jeep ride but we sure made up for it in the afternoon ride.

Nice day.

Tomorrow I plan to head back to the Queen Valley Road in the Kofa for a few days so you’ll hear from me when I get back, likely Monday. One of the things I want to do in there is hike the trail to the mountain tops and I’d also like to try and find the water holes in that area.

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One Response to Jeep Ride Got Canceled But We Go For One Anyway

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    You had quite the jeep ride! Too many bumpity bumps for me! Thanks for peeking in the mining cave, I’ve always wondered what is in there but would be too chicken to peek.
    Oooh a rattler!! Glad we leave the desert before it gets hot enough for them. Bill enjoyed the pictures though.

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