Lots of Birds Paddling Around Jenner and Mounting the Van Seat Belt Mounts

Thursday July 21, 2016 Jenner CA.

Foggy at Jenner

It was foggy as I drove into Jenner this morning and put my boat in the water. It was a little windy too, so there weren’t many people using the water.

This is what it looked like as I paddled across to Penny Island looking up the river.foggy


The fog did seem to be clearing as I paddled on up along the edge of Penny Island headed up the river, where I figured there would be less wind.island


I passed by these two terns resting on the gravel. The seem to face into the wind while resting. Maybe that’s because they are aerodynamic in that direction.terns


Fog cleared out

I continued crossing the river and the fog was lifting and the wind settled down a bit.logs


Lots of birds today

There were a lot of birds resting along the shores today. I could see these ones across the river from me as I paddled up the river.birds


I didn’t paddle up the river very far, only about a mile to what I call the muskrat area here, looking up the river to the highway one bridge.muskie


That was as far up the river as I went, then I crossed over to the other side to check out what bird life was in that area.

I went by these feeding birds, two pelicans, an egret and a great blue heron.feeding


And just past them, by Paddy’s rock these ducks and cormorants. Mallards and merganser ducks.ducks


Continuing on, I passed these cormorants.cor


There were really a lot of birds here today. I passed by these birds, cormorants and ducks.cors


And some geese too.geese


A little walk

I eventually ran out of birds on that side so I crossed back over the river and went to shore here to look for berries, but didn’t find any as they are all gone now, it seems. But I did have a nice little walk.shore


From there, I headed on back to the boat ramp and went on home for the day.

Wrong screw at Monte Rio auto parts

I did stop at the auto parts store in Monte Rio to try and get a TBI screw for my injectors. The  guy checked the screw I brought down for a sample and supposedly matched up a screw to it, but when I got home and checked it, the thread was not right. So, to keep from wasting a bunch more time hunting one of those screws I got on line and ordered a screw kit from Amazon. Three screws and a gasket, seventeen dollars. A bargain actually.

Mounting the seat belt mounts


After a nap, I went out to work on the van project. I wanted to get the seat belt mounts mounted so I drilled some holes in the support braces I made and mounted them here. I hope they will work out this way, if not, I’ll change something as I have a couple more options.seatbelts


And a cover for the hole I made

I needed a cover for the hole I made to get the computer wires through the engine compartment, so I made this out of a piece of plastic barrel I had cut up to make my fan shroud several months ago. It’s to seal it off to keep the heat out and more importantly to keep those pesky little mice out. The cover is that orangey looking thing there, behind the seat belt latch.coverhole


I did some more painting, giving things a second and third coat of paint and took the rest of the day off.

Nice day.

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