Lots Of Roots On the Part of the Trail I worked On Today

Tuesday February 27, 2024 Guerneville Ca.

Forest work

I rode on up to the trail I was working on today. The sky was mostly just blue. :O)sky1

It’s getting to be a pretty good walk down the trail to where I’m working on it now. I took the Sawzall with me as there’s lots of roots in the part where I’m working.

I walked out the trail to this spot where I left off yesterday.trail2

By the time I got to the spot, I needed a break so I got the chair out and sat down for a bit before getting started.trail3

I was widening out this part today and there were lots of roots to cut with the Sawzall.trail4

I kept working on it between chair breaks and got this far.trail5

I finished widening out this part and quit about five, tired out a bit and got a lot of good exercise.  I think I’ll do something else tomorrow as I’ve been doing a lot of trail work lately.trail6

Chair hopping

Back home I chair hopped around the yard with the chickens. The wild plum trees are in full bloom now and with a nice sunny day,  I hope some of the blossoms got pollinated.blooms7

The chickens like to stay close, so when I move to another chair they tend to follow me.chickens8

Nice day.

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