Lumens continued, photo phosphorous plankton

I started the day around eleven in the morning. Decided to go down to Jenner to yak. Nice day, after a short time I decided to cut it short and come back in the evening around dark as the lumens cycle was starting again. Lumens is short for photo phosphorous plankton. High tide was at seven PM, 5.5 ft. I went down at eight PM. Not quite dark yet, so I went toward the mouth of the river and watched how the salt water was coming in. As it got dark, I started back up the river toward Penny Island looking for lumens. As it was, the lumens where quite good and quite a few fish in the river. This meant that my thoughts of all the fish coming in on a five point nine tide or higher was not correct as quite a few fish were in on this five point five foot tide. I stayed out until about ten PM, before calling it a night and returning home. Very nice night out, just a slight breeze with lots of stars out, no one else on the water.\

I plan to go out again the next night as the tides are about one hour later, so the lumens should be even better, but I note that the high tide will only be five point three feet tonight, less then last night.

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