Misty and Drizzly as I Paddle Around Jenner Today and Still No Internet

Wednesday December 14, 2016 Jenner CA.

I head to Jenner hoping the rain will stop

It was raining lightly as I got it going today. But sometimes it’s not raining at Jenner when it’s raining here so I decided to take a chance and head to Jenner for a yak.

It rained lightly most of  the way down but it was letting up as I approached Jenner, so I drove down to the overlook at the river’s mouth to have a look.

The mouth was wide open and looked like this from the overlook.mouth


Put the boat in the water at the ramp

There was a mist in the air, but not enough to get one wet so I drove back to the boat ramp and put my boat in the water, but not before I put my rain pants on just in case.

I paddled across to Penny island to this spot where I sat for a bit deciding where to paddle to today.spot1


The wind was up a little and blowing down river, so I headed on down along the islands shoreline.

These ducks moved out of my path as I approached and paddled on by.ducks


Headed to the river’s mouth area

I paddled across the river towards the river’s mouth going by these grebe taking it easy on the water.grebe


I was getting a light rain shower on and off as I paddled along this shoreline headed down near the open river’s mouth area just up ahead.shore


The mouth is wide open and the muddy river water is flowing into the ocean

There was a pretty good current going out today so I didn’t get too close and stopped here for a good while checking things out.mouth2


There were some birds and seals resting on the beach. I see some brown pelicans on the beach.critters


Rains are picking up a bit

The light rain started to pick up some so I started back up the river along Penny island where I was thinking of going in for the day.upriver


I paddled by this great blue heron fishing away by the reeds. It seemed to be catching some tiny little fish of some sort.heron


I wasn’t ready to go in for the day, so I pulled into this little channel on the upper end of Penny Island and sat for a spell.channel


As I was sitting there,  the light rain seemed to be picking up, so it was time to head in for the day.

I paddled across the river here to the boat ramp at the visitor center.ramp


I put the boat on the car an drove on home for the day where it was raining lightly, so there wasn’t much else today except take a nap which I did.

I got some firewood in and that was pretty much my day.

Phone repair guys

I thought I heard the phone trucks out there so I went out to take a look. I was wrong, still no internet, but they are supposed to fix it before eight PM tonight and it’s five P;m now so they’ll be out there in the dark and the rain fixing things up. It was dark and raining a week ago when they were supposed to fix it, but instead got the lines mixed up and switched my line to the wrong number by mistake. I expect to hear them out there working on it soon.

Since I’m not sure they’ll get the internet fixed tonight I will go next door to my brother’s house and sit in his golf cart in the dark and in the rain and post  my blog for today using his Wi-Fi connection.

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One Response to Misty and Drizzly as I Paddle Around Jenner Today and Still No Internet

  1. Rick & Laura Jeffery says:

    Sorry you’re having such trouble getting your phone/internet service restored, Bob. Just wanted to say “Thanks,” for going the extra mile posting your blog. My Fabulous Wife & I appreciate it!!!

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