Mr. Ed Comes to the Rescue Just When I Need Him

Friday November 10, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Raining so a do nothing day

It was raining again this morning when I got up so it looked like not much  was going to happen today.

Some shopping

I did take a ride to town to get some groceries between the rain showers.

Ray visits

Later in the day Ray came by and we shot the bull for an hour or so.

Best part of the day

I think the best part of the day was when I received a comment form Mr. Ed. I’ve been having some real trouble with my hands callusing up and drying out and cracking up. This is all caused by me eating corned stuff and the reaction messing up  my skin.

Mr. Ed comes to the rescue

Ed says to coat my hands with Vaseline and put some XL Surgical gloves on for about five hours and it should soften the skin. Sounds good to me so I did that right away. I’m already liking the fact that with the gloves on I’m not getting sticky stuff all over everything. Typing’s a little harder. I think the gloves are going to work if I can stand having them on for that long. I will try to handle that as it’s much better than getting one’s hands all cracked up and stinging. Thanks Mr. Ed.

I’d been using Vaseline  type stuff on my hands but it didn’t seem to be getting absorbed very well and most of it was coming off on everything I touched. So the gloves on should give things more time to get absorbed and certainly keep the sticky stuff where it’s supposed to be. It will also cut way down on how much gooey stuff I use on my hands.

That was my day.

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One Response to Mr. Ed Comes to the Rescue Just When I Need Him

  1. Flowergirl says:

    Can you sleep with them on?

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