My Buddy Birds Are Back at Jenner

Tuesday August 27 2013 Jenner CA.

What the heck is a Buddy Bird?

My brother Mike was coming by today to go down and kayak Jenner. We pulled into Jenner and were unloading our boats when Steve arrived, so we waited for him to get his boat in the water too.

Across the river to Penny Island and on up to Eagle’s landing, leisurely, of course.

Here we are just above eagle’s landing, just sitting taking it easy. The day is a nice one, wind is down and just a little fog waffling around a bit.niceday


We stayed up river just above Eagle’s landing for at least a couple hours before heading down the back side of Penny Island and into the slot at the west end were we took it easy some more. :O)

The white pelicans were on the west end of the Penny island today, instead of the east end. birdview


It’s hard to see, but that gull in the water just caught a small crab and is about to eat it. There are lots of little two inch Dungeness crabs in the river at this time of year and the seagulls are pretty good at catching some of them.gullcrab


We stayed in the slot for a bit then headed on down to the river’s mouth where the wind had picked up a bit. I like to sit in the  foam just inside the river’s mouth and watch what is going on in the area.

This is my view from this foam spot just inside the rivers mouth looking west toward the mouth and ocean.viewfoam


Zoomed in a bit, this is the river’s mouth, wide open with birds and seals resting on the sandy shores.rivermouth


There were some brown pelicans in the water. I watched them do some fishing off and on while I was there.brownpelicans


It was fairly windy when we headed back in for the day, which pushed us along fairly fast back up the river to the visitor’s center.

This is the view of the visitors center, just as we approached it. The fog was moving in with the wind. Note the little birds on the shore just in front of the boat.visitview


These little guys are back, I haven’t seen them for awhile now. They fly around in little flocks and lots of times land right next to me and nap. I think they use me for protection. They are like little buddies the way they land next to me when I’m sitting by the shore line. When I say right next to me, they have sat just under my paddle at times, sometimes sleeping, a whole flock of them.


That was it for the day, a very pleasant day kayaking Jenner.

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