Neighbor’s Electrical Work and Checking On the Fire Prevention Guys

Wednesday July 31, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Electrical Work

I went over to my neighbor’s place this morning to help him hook up his main electrical boxes as he is replacing the old ones with newer ones.  I got all the big wires hooked up and then showed him how to wire plug wires into the boxes and hook them up the the circuit breakers. After helping him hook up one, I said, ok, you know how to do it and left  him at it. He had to go to the store to get some more parts.

I needed a break so I did some chair hopping in my yard for a bit.

Fire prevention guys

Then I hopped in Hondo and rode on up to  my cousin’s place to see how the fire prevention  guys were doing.

The guys were mostly finished except this guy up in the tree taking limbs off the trees.trimmer

It looked like he was having a good time up there playing monkey.trimmer2

See what I mean. He’s actually trying to get the tie off rope further out onto the limb so he can cut that last limb off.limbing

I shot the bull with them for a bit. The fire inspector is coming tomorrow to check out their work. If they don’t pass, they’ll finish up whatever they need to do to satisfy the fire safety requirements.

I headed on home and did some more chair hopping with the chicken’s.

Nice day.

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