Oil Change and Grease For the Bulldozer

Wednesday August 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Dozer’s oil change

I haven’t changed the oil in the dozer for a long time so today I loaded all the stuff in Hondo and drove on up to where the dozer was parked. I should of brought the dozer down as I had to drive back down the hill three times to get tools, to get the job done.

This was where I worked on the dozer.dozer


I brought up the grease gun so I greased all the fittings up.dozer1

Oil change

The oil change should of been easy but I didn’t have the right socket to get the drain plug off, so I drove on  home to get it. But when I got back, I’d not gotten the right socket so I had to drive home again and got the right one this time.oil2

I had another problem that caused me to  make another trip home. I couldn’t get the oil filler cap off, so had to get a pipe wrench to loosen it up That’s the filler cap to the right of the oil filter. I did replace the oil filter with no problems. Sometimes they are stuck on but not this time.cap3

I was happy to get all the work done on the dozer as it’s been needing it done for a long time.

Headed home

On the way home I went by my pond. The water level has dropped quite a bit as the springs are slowing down from the warm days we’ve been having. I don’t think it will go down far enough to dry it up.pond4

Air filter

Once home, I blew the air cleaner out with air and put antiseize on the rusty threads on the clamp.filter

I coated the threads good with the antiseize so the clamp will work easier as I had a hard time getting it off as it was so rusty.threads

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Oil Change and Grease For the Bulldozer

  1. Jeff Pierce says:

    Wowzer – how many quarts of oil does that monster require?

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