Old Well Sediment Removal, Peeps and the Bamboo Is Blooming

Monday May 24, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Working on the old well

I worked on the old well sediment removal on and off today.well1


Slow process

Mostly I sit in the chair and turn the discharge valve on and off to help pick up the sediment in the well and then I go over and left the hose up and down a few times in the well to help pick up the sand. It’s a slow process as the sand is coming out slowly.hose2


Peep care

I checked on the new peeps and gave them water and some feed.peeps3


I still haven’t been able to get a count of the new peeps as they don’t sit still long.peeps4


I cleaned up these ripe strawberries. Yummy.berries5


And I checked on the blueberries but they have a ways to go until they get ripe enough.blueberries6


Blooming bamboo

I’ve noticed my black bamboo patch is not looking good. It’s more or less brown and doesn’t have many leaves. Apparently bamboo blooms every so many years which is ok, but it then dies.bamboo7


Bamboo rice

Here’s the blooms which makes bamboo rice which I doubt I’ll be eating.bloom8


So when it all dies I’ll have a big dry mess to take care of. I don’t know if I’ll lose the patch or if some new stuff will pop up but time will tell.

Nice day.

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One Response to Old Well Sediment Removal, Peeps and the Bamboo Is Blooming

  1. Patsy+Irene says:

    Okay, you can send some of those huge strawberries here! I have the rhubarb to go with them! :)

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