Paddled on Up to Muskrat Nest Beach and Walked to Buzzard Rock

Monday January 26, 2015 Jenner CA.

The sun was out as I arrived at Jenner this morning with a few clouds in the sky. The wind was down to a breeze so it was fairly nice out as I put my boat in the water and crossed over the river to Penny Island. I had decided to go on up the river to Muskrat Nest today and hang out.

I paddled up to the upper end of Penny Island where I ran into these merganser ducks in the little channel as I passed through to the other side.mergansers


I pulled into this spot at the end of the island and sat and watched for a while, looking up the river.riverview


I paddled on up to Muskrat Nest beach and sat in my boat in the water for a good while. Here’s one of the muskrat nests at that spot. This is the first muskrat nest I discovered. It’s just one of many of them that are now on the estuary.muskrat


I was thinking of going to shore here and finally pulled into this spot.kayak


I just hung around in that spot, sitting and taking it easy. Eventually I decided to walk up to Buzzard rock which is just up the hill from Muskrat nest beach, through a bunch of poison oak bushes.

I was surprised to find all this dew on the grass in the trail where the sun hadn’t shined yet today. Nice big drops, you’d of thought it had rained, but it hadn’t.dew


To get to buzzard rock, I had to climb up above it and come back down to it. That’s buzzard rock down there were I’m headed, looking up to the highway one bridge.river


This was my view looking down the river towards the town of Jenner, as I approached the rock.jenner


There is a little place to sit right behind the rock and this was the view from there as I sat and rested.rockview


From that spot, I could hear the geese honking a lot. They were feeding on the grass across the river from where I was as I watched.geese


There were also some cows grazing in the field across the river with some black birds feeding among them.bovines


I sat at buzzard rock and around the muskrat nest area for a couple of hours before heading back down the south side of the river in the late afternoon.

Two geese where coming in for a landing across the river from me, making a bunch of noise. They landed and did this little dance with their necks extended, walking back and forth and  honking a lot. Must be some kind of mating thing?geese2


I slowly worked my way down the river thinking I might go down to the river’s mouth. But as I approached the boat ramp area, I decided I was tired out enough for one day and headed for the boat ramp.

I did notice that the estuary water level was fairly high today and was wondering if the river’s mouth might be closed, but checking it out will have to keep until tomorrow when  should get a chance to check it out.

This was my view looking west as I approached the boat ramp. The sun will be down in about an hour.sun


I went on home  with some intentions of doing some yard work, but the sun was down by the time I got there so that didn’t happen.

Nice day paddling around the estuary.

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