Taking the Day Off, No Rocking the Road and a Birthday

Friday March 7, 2025 Guerneville CA.

I rode on up to the state park today.


I thought they’d be further along on building the new kiosk, but, maybe the volunteers only work on some days or they need some more materials as it didn’t look like anymore was done then what they had done a couple days ago.kiosk1

I wanted to chat with some of the park guys so I rode on up to the shop and shot the bull with the guys there for a bit. We talked about them rocking the road eventually for me. Things have to dry out a bit before that can happen, which is ok, as I’m not ready for them to rock it yet

Cousin’s place

From there I rode up the hill on the old road to my cousin’s place at the top. We were chatting outside, sitting at table with a view when this  wild Tom turkey walked by about twenty feet from us, like it owned the place.turkey2

Take the day off

I left their place around 3:30  and was thinking of hauling a few loads of rock. But as I approached Skiddy, I decided to just take the day off and rode on by and back to our place.skiddy3


I did stop here to throw these rocks off the road.rocks4

I stopped at this overlook for a break. Those are Indian soup plants. The Indians were supposed to use this plant for soap and the bulbs were also edible.flowers5

Not much in the sky today. The sun was just going down behind the mountains to the west of me.sky6

After a good break there, I rode on over to our small pond and was going to pick up the card in the game cam there, but I forgot and left without it. The pond is looking real nice.pond7

From the pond, I worked my way home, where I let the chickens into the front yard. My daffodils have peaked, but are still looking pretty good.chickens8

Chair hopping

As I was sitting there chair hopping around the yard, I remembered it was my birthday, a good reason to take the day off. I’m only 78 now.

Nice day.

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Spring Ride in the Forest and Some Trail Cam Pics

Thursday March 6, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest bike ride

Barry showed up in my yard this  morning which meant we’d go for a dirt bike ride up in the hills.

We took off up through the Talking Trees Trail and on up. We stopped here so Barry could throw this log off the road.log1

And we stopped at the pond to have a look and to collect the card from the trail cam there mounted on the big tree.pond2

And then we rode on down to the water pool and collected the card from the trail cam there on the big tree.pool3

We rode around and stopped at two  more spots to get the trail cam cards, then rode around some more and made it up to our break area at the top.view4

From there it looked like someone was over at the house down the hill aways. The state park has taken over that house and the guys are fixing some stuff up. We found them doing some fire prevention work around the house so we shot the bull with them for a bit.

We were checking out all the little wild flowers in the yard at the house.yard5

We stopped at the Guerneville overlook on the way back to my house. Everything is nice and green down there.guerneville6


Back home we tried to get the chainsaw started as the other day I tried to use it and it wouldn’t start. We determined it wasn’t getting any spark. I told Barry I’d look at it a little later and he took off for his home.

Late in the day I took the chainsaw apart enough to get to the magnets and the coil module and found there was no power coming from the coil module, so it’ likely bad. I got a new one ordered up online.chainsaw8

Trail cam pictures

Here’s a few of the trail cam pictures I collected today.

A bob cat.bobcat

Wild turkeys.turkeys

A  coyote. This is the only one I’ve seen in the area so far. Looks like a male to me.coyote

And this mountain lion I caught on two cameras on the same day.bigcat

This was the same day, but at around 7:30 AM. It looks like the same one as on the other camera.lion

And I’ve been seeing this opossum showing up on my cams lately.posum

Nice day.

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