Christmas with Ham and Lemon Meringue Pie

Friday, December 25, 2015 Guerneville CA.

Tiny bit of house work

I had a few hours to kill this morning before it was time to go to my brother Berry’s house for Christmas. So I puttered around the house and tidied up here a there a little. My house could use a lot of tidying up. :O)

On the half shell

Eventually I went next door to my brother Tom’s house to see if I could get a ride to Barry’s house a little later. He and his girl friend were enjoying some fresh oysters on the half shell, so I joined them in a couple.

Dessert sounds good

Shortly after that, we headed out to my brother Barry’s about a half hour drive. On the way over, Dominique, Tom’s girlfriend, who is a French pastry chef or something like that and goes by the name of Dominique’s Sweets, told me about the lemon pie she made with no corn stuff in it and a scrumcious chocolate cake she made, that unfortunately had an ingredient I couldn’t handle, darn.

And the wine flowed

We sat around and visited for a bit and then had a great dinner. My brother Barry makes excellent home made wine of the highest caliper, so things were merry.

Everything was delicious, but I was limited to a very good corn less ham and of course a big piece of the lemon meringue pie. I also had a couple of cups of coffee out of Barry’s three thousand dollar espresso machine. I’m not sure it cost that much, but that’s what his wife Mary Jane said. :O) She said she would rather he fixed the furnace, but he likes his wood stove better and says she uses the new coffee machine a lot. The coffee was good whatever the cost.

Then Mary Jane played Santa. Some real friendly neighbors dropped by and chatted for a bit and then we were all full and partied out.

Lots of lights

On the way out the door, I noticed all the neighbors and Barry too had all their Christmas lights on and it was quite a show. I should have taken some pictures, but just plain didn’t think of it, even though I had a camera in my pocket.

I was awarded some ham and the last piece of the lemon pie to take home with me. Yummmmm.

Happy holidays to all my readers, hope you are all enjoying yourselves.

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One Response to Christmas with Ham and Lemon Meringue Pie

  1. Patti Godwin says:

    Merry Christmas.

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