Perch Fishing At the Mouth of the Sixes River In the Ocean

Thursday September 5, 2019 Sixes River Mouth Port Orford Oregon

Perch fishing

Steve said there’s perch off the Sixes mouth area in the ocean and we should kayak down there and catch some for dinner.

We were off early around 9:30 to catch the incoming tide from the low.

Boat put in

We drove down to the Hughes House launch area and put our boats in the water taking all the fishing stuff.

We just got on the water and Steve is way up ahead headed towards the ocean about as far as you can see. A bit foggy today with it waffling around.sixes


I caught up with Steve and followed him past these birds on the right.birds


We landed here on the sand and had to walk over it to the ocean, not far.landed



Steve set up base here and put his fishing stuff together to go fishing in the


Steve fishes away

Here’s Steve fishing for perch.ocean


Fishing’s bad

The only trouble was the ocean was a bit rough and dirty so the fishing wasn’t so good but Steve kept


Walk to the mouth

While he was doing that I went for a short walk over to where the river was flowing into the ocean which is called the mouth.

I passed by these birds resting on the shore. Some of them took off as I passed by.bird


River’s mouth

Here’s the Sixes River flowing into the ocean.mouth


No sand crabs either

I took a different route back. Steve was using the shovel to try and get some sand crabs for bait but no luck at that either.digging


Steve kept at the fishing using his squid for bait.rock


But still no luck, not even a bite.fishing2


Paddling around the mouth area

After a good try he gave up and we put our stuff back in the boats and took off to have a look around the mouth area.

We stopped here in our boats for a break.restspot



After a bit we paddled off going by these terns resting on the shore. These ones have some white spots on their heads which the ones in our area don’t have. They are a sky diving bird for small fish.terns


We paddled by the cormorants again and some took off.cormorants


Headed home

The boat takeout is just in front of Steve over there where we loaded our boats and stuff and drove on home as we were tired out. ramp


Something about going to the ocean makes you tired out whether you do anything or not.

So it was nap time when we got back to Steve’s.

Steelhead for dinner

Steve said not to worry, we have two more Steelhead steaks to eat for dinner. He cooked them up with some potatoes and they were excellent. Yummmm.

After dinner I returned to my camp spot and didn’t stay up long before turning in for the day.

Headed home

Tomorrow I’m headed on home an all day drive.

Nice day trying to catch fish and having fun on the Sixes River.

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2 Responses to Perch Fishing At the Mouth of the Sixes River In the Ocean

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    That ocean looks really wild! It must have been warm there although wild water tends to look chilly. Steve was in short sleeves.
    Too bad no fish caught but still sounds like a great day.
    Have a safe trip home, Bob.

  2. George Yates says:

    A fun day but too bad Steve did not catch any perch for dinner. Travel safe in the way home.

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