Picking Plums For the Trailer Dehydrator

Sunday July 26, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Plum day

Not much planned for the day. So I did a lot of chair hopping and puttering around the yard.

As you remember I started working on my old trailer dehydrator yesterday so I needed to finish it and get some fruit into it to see how it’s going to work out.trailer


Throughout the day I picked plums on and off trying to pick out which ones I think might dry out the best. I made some little boards to help separate each type as they will dry at different rates.plums


That’s enough for now as I have to leave some room for the prunes that should be real ripe in another week or so.plums1


Here they all are under the screen I made to protect them from the critters.fruit


It was a fairly lazy day. I did quite a bit of chicken supervising as it’s fun to watch all the little ones antics as they scoot around the pen getting into as much mischief as they can.

Nice day.

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