Powers Out and I Work In the Forest On My Spring Pipe Crossings.

Monday October 26, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Cooking chicken

Last night the power was going to be shut down because of a high wind event. I’d forgotten that and put a chicken in the pressure cooker just about the time it was to go off so I could only hope to get that chicken done.

I was watching the timer and with one minute to go the power went off. Good enough to get it cooked.

No power

So we’ll be without power for a couple days until they get it back on after they check all the big power lines which takes some time.

Working on spring pipe road crossings

So today I hopped on my quad runner and went back up into the hills to work on the spring pipe road crossing improvements I’m doing.

I decided to leave all the plastic pipe hookups until after I get all the steel pipes in the ground.

So the first thing I did was move the dozer to the next crossing down this road.dozer


First crossing today

After doing the first one I knew how to do a better job at it so this was the first one.crossing


I did two more before it was getting late in the day and I quit and went home, after 5. That leaves two more crossings to do tomorrow.

Getting the generator started

My brother and I share a generator so when I got home he was there gassing it and I helped him get it started as sometimes it’s a pain. It took a few tries and then it was going. Noisy thing but if one wants power that’s the way it is.gen


So that was my day. I got some work done and had a nice day in the forest being productive.

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2 Responses to Powers Out and I Work In the Forest On My Spring Pipe Crossings.

  1. Mister Ed says:

    I thought I remember a while back you had a well put in near your house
    I know free is always good but I was just curious do you not use it

    • Bob says:

      Hi Ed,
      The springs are on some Family property that we may someday loose so that’s why I put in the well. Just for backup. I much prefer the spring water to use as the springs are just cleaner as the water comes out of the hills.

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