Prepping Trail Crossings, Adjusting Tracks and Skiddy’s Bumper Construction

Thursday March 28, 2024 Guerneville CA.


I got some tools together and was just getting ready to ride up to work on some crossings when it started to rain. I seemed like it was just going to be a shower so I waited it out for a  half hour and it finally quit.

I rode on up to this trail crossing as I  wanted to prepare some stuff to put in a crossing so one can get across the water when it was up. i just needed to prep it a bit so I can put a piece of metal across that one can walk across when the water is up. I wanted to install something that was easy to do and didn’t cost much and would last a very long time, so metal was my choice.crossing1

I don’t want the metal crossing very high so it is safer to cross. I carved out this little spot to put a piece of metal across once I make it.trail2


A little leaf mulch blends things back in real nice.mulched3

Then I moved to the next one on up the waterfall trail and did about the same for this crossing.crossing4

Once that one was done, I rode on up to the waterfall mostly because I was on that trail and needed a place to turn around.falls5

After a short break at the falls, I rode on down this trail a short distance. quad6

And walked around these trees for a bit just checking things out.walk7

And from there I worked my way back to my place for a break.

Skiddy’s track adjustment

It was time to check Skiddy’s tracks so I put it in the track checking position.skiddy8

Once jacked up like this, I measured each track and used the grease gun to pump the track up to tighten it up. It’s important to keep the tracks tight so they don’t come off.grease9

Skiddy’s bumper construction

My brother Tom told me about this old trailer hitch bracket he had at his place so I took my wheelbarrow over to haul it back to my place. It looks nice and beefy for the job.hitch10

I needed a longer piece of metal so I rounded up this one.metal11

I was sitting around studying the job when my neighbor walked by with the chickens following  her. The chickens are such bums and are always looking for someone to give them something to eat, even though they have plenty to eat in the yard.chickens12

Getting started

I was studying the job and doing some planning. I wasn’t planning to work on the metal today, but I thought I  might as well get it started. I cut this piece of metal to length and ground it off a bit to fit.machining13

That piece of metal fit like this. Now I need to trim the hitch to mount on that piece of metal.hitch14

I got the power hacksaw out and did some cutting on the hitch but didn’t get it finished as I ran out of daylight and need to set up my plasma cutter to finish  trimming the hitch.hitchcut15

At least I got a good start on this project.

Nice day.

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