Puttering Around Loading the Van for Port Orford

Saturday February 25, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Taking my time loading stuff

Another day loading and prepping the old van for a trip up to Port Orford Oregon shortly.

I pulled the van out from under the carport so I could load one of my kayaks on top as the kayak won’t fit on top when the van in in the carport.oldvan


Finding places for kayaking stuff

I spent a good deal of time loading all the things one needs to kayak too. Finding places to put some of the stuff so it’d be out of the way is one of the harder things to do in a van with limited space. I think I have most of that stuff loaded now.

And aired the tires

I checked the air in all the tires and topped up at least one of them just a little and got under the van and greased the rear drive shaft. Because of the four wheel drive I installed, the rear driveline is fairly short so it puts quite a load on the U joints, so I like to grease that driveline often which I do.

Here’s a side view with the side doors open as I load in more stuff I think I’ll need.sideview


One more day and I’ll be on the way north

I plan to spend one more leisurely day prepping the van. I still need to clean all the glass and load some cook stuff and I think it’ll be ready to go. What I’m waiting for is one last rain storm to clear out of the Port Orford area, so I’m trying to take my time and let the storm do it’s thing and be gone, so I have a chance of some improved weather. Showers I can deal with much easier than rain storms.

That was it for a leisurely day puttering.

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One Response to Puttering Around Loading the Van for Port Orford

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Wow! That is quite the little camper you have there! Love the van! Safe travels, Bob.

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