Puttering Around the Yard and Helping My Neighbor With His Diesel Problem

Friday June 28, 204 Guerneville CA.

Chair hopping

I sat around the yard enjoying the day to start the day off.bluesky

Main Gate

Eventually I went out and took a look at the main gate controller for the automatic gate opener. I did some testing but couldn’t detect what was wrong with it. I think I need to just buy another gate controller to fix it.

Watering and fertilizer

Then I applied some fertilizer and watered it in well on my citrus trees and my mulberry tree and avocado trees.

Neighbor’s diesel problem

Jerry came by to talk about his diesel problem and said it was real hard to get into the engine to work on it. Things were just too tight to work. He suggested I come by with  Skiddy and lift his bucket way up in the air so  he had better access to the engine. We made an appointment at five to do that.


I went down to Guerneville to do a bit of shopping for stuff to eat and then returned for a nap.


After that, I worked on getting my kayak mounted on the car rack for the first time as I’ve been thinking I need to go kayaking as I haven’t been in a long time. After messing around with the tie down straps I think I’m ready to go.

Back to the neighbor’s diesel problem

I was taking another nap when Jerry came by at five so we took Skiddy over to his  place and used it to raise up his bucket. Since the machine had electric joy sticks to control things, he had to loosen up some hydraulic hoses to let the bucket rise up into the air as the joy sticks didn’t work.  Once we had the bucket up in the air we tied it up there with big straps. That should do it.

Nice day.

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