Today Was the Day My New Track Steer Arrived

Tuesday December 19, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Delivery truck

The guy from John Deere showed up with my new toy at one today. I was waiting for him and had him back in the driveway to make it easier for him as turning around space in my yard is tight for a rig like that.arriving


It took him three tries to get it backed in, but now when he leaves everything will be much easier.backedin


He unloaded the Track Steer so he could drop this six way blade and go back to get the 4 in 1 bucket.blade


Attachments are easy to take on and off.  My brother Tom showed up in his rig to supervise.blade7


The guy goes back on the trailer to get the 4 in 1 bucket.blade4


The guy showed me a few things about starting the new toy and how to push some buttons to operate it and left.

I hopped in right away and couldn’t get it started. Tom says, put the safety bar down and it will start and it did.bob


There were some rain showers today so I had my rain gear on,  just in case.tryout6


I took off for the hills taking it easy and learning to operate the thing as I’ve never ran a modern thing like this. I’ve always had to operate real old tractors.

I did some work where we get our rock for repairs, then took a load back down to use on fixing up a road with a culvert crossing.

It doesn’t look like it, but I’m moving a full bucket of dirt down this road to the place I wanted to repair. The best way to learn to run something is to use it.dirtload8


I needed more dirt for that road repair so I dug it out of this spot which was much closer to the repair spot.dozing


I did pretty good except for running into a redwood tree backing up. That’s pretty common around here with all the trees and it didn’t hurt much.

It was almost dark when I quit. It’s a good machine and with a bit more training I should get the hang of it.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Today Was the Day My New Track Steer Arrived

  1. KennyD says:

    You are to be congratulated on a fine looking skid steer. Those things are beasts, and the blade attachment is a real plus. Looks like you will be doing a lot of road work in the future.

  2. A James says:

    Yup that’s a serious machine ( er toy ) & you will be able to accomplish a lot more on the trails + easier on that back. All the best for the Xmas Season,enjoy.

  3. Barb says:

    The fun begins. Thanks for the photo with you driving it. I blew it up to see your face. You look like you were concentrating :o) Now you be careful, Bob.

  4. Judith says:

    Ha. A good antidote for blog transferring woes. And I suspect you will be busy as a bee with the new machine…..enjoy.

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