Safely Home and A Paddle at Jenner Checking Out the Closed River’s Mouth

Wednesday October 24, 2018 Jenner CA.

Safely home

I had a long drive home the other day and made it just after dark safely.

The next day I took it easy and unloaded the van and napped a bit.

Paddling Jenner

This morning I decided to go down to Jenner for a yak. I arrived around eleven and put my boat in the water. I talked with a a couple putting in at the ramp which I ran into later near the mouth.

River’s mouth closed

I paddled across the river to Penny Island and sat here for a bit enjoying the day and deciding which way to go. It was high tide and the water level was up. It also looked like the river’s mouth might be closed for the first time this year so I decided to go down and check it out.jenner


Paddling down along the island.river3


Fishing pelicans

There were a bunch of brown pelicans fishing just off the island’s lower end so I stopped to watch for a bit.pelicans4


Here’s were I watched from in the grass on the bottom end of Penny Island.island5


Crossing the river

Eventually I paddled across here to the river’s mouth up ahead.birds6


Mouth area can be dangerous

I paddled in here where the river’s mouth was and checked it out. Later I saw a huge wave come in that would of wiped out the people standing on the jetty. Lucky they had left.mouth8


Resting birds

There were lots of birds resting on the beach there mostly pelicans and seagulls with a few other types mixed in.birds10


Checking out the jetty

The river turned out to be mostly closed, but there was a little water still going out just in back of the jetty by these rocks.jetty11


After I checked that out I paddled by these birds headed to the river’s end.bird13


River’s end

I headed down to Haystack Rock to sit for a spell.haystack14


Nice spot

Haystack rock is usually a nice place to sit as the rock blocks the wind so I sat in my boat and enjoyed the day.sit15


Huge wave hits

Eventually I started back up the river running into the people I talked with on the ramp and chatted for a bit then continued on past the river’s mouth. That huge wave I mentioned earlier splashed in over the cement jetty caused a lot of the birds to take flight. I missed the wave but you can see the jetty is all white from the foam of the wave. Anyone on the jetty at this time would have been wiped out. Luckily no one was on it at the time. It’s really a very dangerous place but most people don’t realize it.birdflys15


This was my view as I paddled by the jetty and up the river.pels16


Up the back channel

My route took me up the island’s back channel and I pulled into this little cannel on the upper end of Penny Island where I like to take a break and watched for about a half hour or so.channel17


I hung around this area and watched and eventually went to the boat ramp and took my boat out of the water and headed for home.

Some visiting

On the way I stopped at Cheryl and John’s and chatted with them for a bit then left and went over to Ray’s house and chatted with him and his wife for a bit.

I finally made it home for a nap and that was my day.

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