Some Old Well Work and Some Weeding

Sunday June 27, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Sediment removal work

After tending to the chickens needs I went over to the old well and pulled the suction pipe out of the well to have a look at the unit.well1


Everything looked ok after inspecting it so I dropped it back in to suck a little more sediment out which I worked on for about an hour.digger2


Of course my helpers helped.helpers3



I checked on the chicks to see how they were doing. They seem to be getting around just fine right now and are all large enough so they can’t get out the wire fence holes.chicks4



I really want to get my citrus trees growing so I got out the fertilizer and gave them each a shot of it.citrus5


And I set up this fertilizer injector to water my mulberry tree tonight and give it a boost.fertilizer6


Weeding the vegetable patch

I pulled up a load of weeds to feed to the chickens.weeds7


They moved right in on those weeds.feeding8


Grape vine gate

This grape vine is slowly taking over this gate. It all seems to be working ok as the vine bends when the gate is opened.gate9


There’s lots of grapes on that vine but they are a bit green yet.grapes10


Mini cabbages

There were these mini cabbages in the patch were I was pulling weeds and my  brother said they are ready so I harvested one of them for dinner. Very sweet and tender.plants11


I wrapped up the day with some chair hopping in the evening.

Nice day.






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