Some Work and Some Exploring In the Hills

Sunday December 3, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Repair work

I needed to finish off this repair under the bridge. The water has been washing out the small rocks in this spot. The wire wasn’t tacked down yet, so I pulled it back to fill in the void with rocks.wire1



I loaded half a wheel barrel full of rocks and stuffed them into the void.rock2


Then I put the wire back on with staples and wire so that job is done.fixedukp3


It was trying to rain real light. But not enough to get one wet, so up into the hills I went to do some exploring.dky4


But first I stopped at my cousin’s place to see about fixing up this road that is eroding and is too steep. I think I can put it around the other side of this tree if I trim some limbs off the backside.road5


I had a place I wanted to check out down this road to extend a trail in a steep part so I took off down the


But just before I got to the place, I ran into these downed trees, so I turned around to find another way to get there, which meant I had to go all the way back to get around to the next road.trees7



I stopped here for a bit at the Guerneville overlook.guerneville8


And then continued on up to our break area at the top.bike9


Some clouds in the sky, but no rain so I wasn’t going to get wet today.dky10


I made it to the trail I wanted to walk to see about connecting it to a road. I had to walk down this steep trail to get to the spot which meant I’d be walking back up the steep trail after I had a look at the spot.trail11


I walked out the end of that trail to try and locate a road to hook it into, but the first try didn’t work out. I tried another way that would come out to this spot which might work.flag12


I got good and tired out and had some good exercise.

Nice day.

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