Sunshine and Low Winds Today Paddling the Russian River

Tuesday November 7, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Sunny at Jenner for a paddle

I drove on down to Jenner this morning to a sunny day with low wind.

Paddling across the river and looking down towards the ocean looked like this.downn1


I spotted a seal in the water eating a big fish but it didn’t stay around for any pictures.

Turning around and looking up river from that same spot looked like this. I decided to go up the river this way.up2


I saw some mallard ducks taking it easy in the little channel on the upper end of Penny Island.ducks3


And some geese sleeping on the gravels. I’m sure they all  had an eye on me as I passed on by.geese4


I paddled along here about a quarter mile up river from the boat ramp.river5


These ducks were resting on the gravel as I paddled past Paddy’s rock.ducks6


And this egret was standing on top of Paddy’s rock. It watched me for a bit before taking off with a squawk.egret7


These two horses live here on this ridge and I’d say they have it made.horses8


I stopped in this spot for a bit to watch things before starting my paddle back down the river along this north edge.jenner9


I paddled around these geese and headed on over to the island to the left.geese10


Where I pulled into this little channel on the upper end of the island.channel11


I rested here with the ducks for a bit.ducks12


The river’s mouth is open wide

As I crossed over to the boat ramp and looked down river I could see out into the ocean through the open river’s  mouth.mouth13


From there I paddled on in to the boat ramp and went on home for the day.jenner14


When I got home I needed a nap and after that not much else got done the rest of the day.

And that was my day.

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3 Responses to Sunshine and Low Winds Today Paddling the Russian River

  1. the river sounds like heaven on earth…i wish i could visit there at least once in my life

  2. Bob Noble says:

    Hi Patti,
    A good way to find things on my blog is to use the search on the right sidebar. The only trouble with that is it will only present two items because my blog page is set to show only two pages. You have to use the go back to older posts to see more, but in this case seal marker brought this one right up.
    There you go,

  3. PG says:

    Hey Bob nice to see that the mouth is open. We’re in Oregon for a while. I was trying to find your picture of the seal with the hat marker on it’s head. Any suggestions? Can you send it to me if you find it???

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