Taking It Easy Day Just Some Shopping and Feeding the Chickens

Friday February 1, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Taking it easy listening to the rain

It was raining lightly as I got it going today so it was going to be one of those take it easy days.

I went out and fed the chickens and checked their water. They wanted out but I decided to keep them in out of the rain today.

Putting up the network cable

I went back in the house and made a coffee then went outside to put the network cable I ran quickly yesterday up and in place as it should be. The cable was barely long enough but it made it with little to spare.

Good storm coming in tonight so time to shop

It wasn’t raining very hard, that’s supposed to happen tonight. Seemed like a good time to go to Guerneville and do some grocery shopping and gas up the car too.

I put my rain jacket on just in case and went to town and did my shopping and returned home and put the stuff away digging into the cheese before I did.

Afternoon snack for the chickens

I was contemplating letting the chickens out to graze for the last part of the day but  instead went into their pen and threw some feed out for them to eat.

Here’s my PTZ cam showing  me feeding the chickens.feeding


Back in the house for me for another cup of coffee and that was my day.

Not bad for a rainy one.

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2 Responses to Taking It Easy Day Just Some Shopping and Feeding the Chickens

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Hope the rain storm wasn’t too bad. Like the idea of the camera. Think that is the first time I’ve seen a picture of you. ;D

  2. George Yates says:

    Nice to get those chores taken care of on a rainy day.

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