To Antelope Lake For a Kayak Paddle

Tuesday June 27, 2023 Antelope Lake, Plumas National Forest, CA.

Look at the Recent Posts thingy in the right sidebar to check out the posts I’ve made today, abut 8 or so of them.

Headed to the lake

We had about a mile and a half of this dirt road before we hit the paved road to Antelope Lake and the lake was only about ten miles up the road.road1


The lake

We made it to our spot on the lake and I got the boat ready for a paddle.boat2


I left Marty to do a little fishing and taking it easy while I was gone.marty3


This lake is made up of fingers, so I started around this side of one of them, paddling along the shoreline.shore4


I spotted something moving on the shoreline which turned out to be these three geese.geese5


I paddled along here under these big clouds.lake6


There were lots of these big boulders around the shoreline.lake7


I made it to here before turning back and crossing over the lake to the other side of the finger.lake8


This guy was a bit annoying as he was jack hammering the cement road into small blocks, making a lot of noise in the process.hammer9


Headed slowly on back.lake10


These two geese were trying to get around me in the grass, but really didn’t seem too bothered by my presence.geese11


I found Marty reading his book when I got back. We loaded up and headed on down the road, as we are starting our journey towards home and want to be closer to the edge of the forest for tomorrow’s start.road12


We did hit some nasty washboard road on the way out that slowed us down. That road had gotten real bad since we last traveled it a month ago.

Conkling Park Campground

I spotted this campground on the map and headed towards it, not knowing if it was someone’s place or not even there anymore.

It was just off the road and recently had a forest fire here and no one else was here, so we found a spot and parked for the night. We were getting some light rain and thunder as we pulled in and it continued for a couple hours or so.camp13



I walked around the campground. This wood was all from cleanup after the recent forest fire.wood14


Nice day.

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One Response to To Antelope Lake For a Kayak Paddle

  1. Gaelyn says:

    The lake paddle could have gone on for days.

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