Trail Work, A Walk, Checking Our Water System and the Hermit

Sunday April 3, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

I rode the quad runner up to the waterfall today to do some trail work and go for a little walk too.


This is the waterfall with just a little water flowing now as we haven’t had much rain lately.waterfall1


There’s a little pool of water at the base of the waterfall.water2


And this is the view looking down the gully from the waterfall, lots of green ferns.forest3


Walk in the forest

After doing a bit of trail work I went for a walk up this trail taking my time just wondering along enjoying the day in the forest.trail4


And on through here, through the sorrel.trail5


I walked though here before turning back.trail7


Quad runner ride

Once I’d gotten back to where I parked the quad runner I’d done enough trail work for one day so jumped on the quad runner and headed out using this trail.trail6


I made it out to this old road and headed up it.road8


And I took this road up the hill.road10


Fire break area

Made it to this fire break area that was cut a couple years ago during a forest fire. With the sun getting into the area I thought I might find some wild flowers blooming but not yet.firebreak11


I noticed this water coming down this gully. There’s a spring tap in there and the water should be going down the pipe so I checked it and found it plugged up a bit. It’s not our main spring so can wait to get unplugged.spring13


I’ll have to come back eventually and unplug it when I have some tools with me.pipe14


Water tanks

On the way down I stopped to check the water tanks and everything was good there with full water tanks.tanks15


About the Hermit

Jenny in comments asked about the hermit that lives up behind the state park.

Well, on my way back from Arizona I had a premonition about the hermit that he was gone.

A couple nights ago I got an email from a state park guy asking if I knew anything about the hermit’s condition as he heard that he’d fallen down and was taken to the hospital.

So the answer Jenny is I don’t know and I have no way to find out for now.


Once I was back home I did some chair hopping and stayed out until just after dark. The sky looked like this looking to the west.sky16


Nice day.

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One Response to Trail Work, A Walk, Checking Our Water System and the Hermit

  1. Patritia I Richards says:

    A great trail ride.
    Glad all things are okay.
    Beautiful night shot, Bob!

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