Van Camping at Sunflower Flat

Friday June 6, 2014 Sunflower Flat Camp NEV.

After I got it going this morning, I got on the road around ten AM.

Right off the bat, I ran into these antelope, not far from where I was camped. They did what antelope do best, run.analope


Willow Creek Reservoir

I wasn’t camped too far from Willow Creek Reservoir. I stopped for a little break there before continuing on.

Willow creek reservoir from the dam.lake


Yellow flowers every where

I continued on the dirt road until I came to the paved road and I continued on that until it turned dirt again. I was headed for Maggie’s summit. I went by Bull Run Reservoir. Lots of yellow flowers out right now.bullrun


I stopped here for a bit on the way.flowersvan


This is what the wild flowers look like that are all over this area right now. I think they are called skunk cabbage?flower


I followed this road which goes to Maggie’s summit. Very scenic.road


Checking out a camp spot

I had been wanting to check out an area along the way for quite awhile now, so today, I had the time and I checked this area out. It ‘s right at the bottom of the hill before starting up the Maggie’s summit mountain. Nice and green with Quaking Aspens.road2


I drove back in there on the road and found this nice camp area where I had lunch. I might of stayed here, but I’m not too far away from the town of Owyhee where I hope to get some gas and an internet connection. There was a good breeze blowing so the aspens where quaking and making some nice sounds.lunchsite


Headed out again

Around two PM, I headed on out again and went over Maggie’s summit and on down the other side.

I passed these nice looking horses along the road on the way.horses


My view as I drove along the road, looking over to the Jarbidge mountain area. Still a bit of snow in the mountains.view


Auto parts gang

And I passed by the Auto Parts Gang. Some sculpture stuff by a house someone welded together out of auto parts. It’s fairly well done and out in the middle of no where.gang



I  made it to the town of Owyhee, but I couldn’t find any internet access, so I drove over to Mountain View Lake where I was going to stay for the night.

However, after taking a break there and doing some thinking, I decided to go get gas and head on up to Sun Flower Flat where I know where a camp is and I figured I had plenty of time to make it up there.

I got gas at the Reservation store and headed out.

I checked for internet access on the way back through Owyhee, but all I could find was password protected stuff, so that was that.

Sunflower Flat road

I headed south past Mountain City, which no longer has gas or a store and took the road up to Sunflower Flat in front of the old abandoned fire station, up past the empty ranger houses.

I make it to the camp site without too much trouble, except for the barb wire that got me in the hand when I had to go through a gate to get to this site.

So, I’m now camped at Sunflower Flat by an animal working area almost to the Sunflower Flat Reservoir which is just up the road.vancamp


I hope to post blogs at Jarbidge

I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t get my blogs posted at Owyhee, my next place to try is in the town of Jarbidge, where I hope to get some access at the gas station there?

I plan to do a bit of camping before I get to Jarbidge, so it will be a bit yet.

Nice day, but I’m tired out. I’ll get some dinner together in a bit and go to bed.

A cool breeze has blown all day to keep the day cool and not hot.

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