Van Work, and It Started to Rain

Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013, Guerneville, CA.

Started out the day working on the old van.

I decided to stay home today and do a little more work on the van, as it was supposed to rain later today. It was a bit on the cold side, so I got a slow start. First, I went out and turned the electric heater on in the van while I contemplated what I was going to do to it today.

That darn throttle linkage still needed to be adjusted.

I wanted to adjust the foot throttle that I wasn’t happy with how it was working. I also needed to do some more propane plumbing hook ups and make a place for my Wave3 propane heater.

As I said, it was a slow start, I didn’t really want to get under the van to do the throttle cable adjustment as it was still too cold, so I did the inside propane hook ups first.

And the van front side doors were leaking air.

After that, I still wasn’t into going under the van, so I decided to adjust the van front side doors, as the last time I was in a blizzard, snow was coming in the passenger door. I’ve known for quite awhile that the doors had bad air leaks, as I could also hear the air coming in while going down the freeways. but I’m just now getting to adjusting them, after putting on new door seals over a year ago. :O)

The passenger door was the worst. It just took loosening up a couple bolts, jacking up the door a little and tightening the bolts up again. We’ll see how I did the next time I’m on a trip.

The throttle linkage was easier than I thought to adjust.

By this time it was a little warmer and I was out of excuses, so under the van I went to adjust the throttle linkage. It wasn’t very hard, I just adjusted a slider and tightened up the cable assembly and tested it to make sure it opened and closed ok, and it came out just right, I think. I didn’t get a chance to test drive it yet, but, I hope that is much better, we’ll see.

I was done with most of what I wanted before the rain started.

It started to rain around three in the afternoon, so I came into the house and stoked the wood stove up and took a nap for awhile and got something to eat.

Taking still pictures from my videos.

Later in the evening, I sorted though my videos that were on my camera. During this process, I collected some still pictures from my videos, as my camera has the capability to run the video and stop it and click a still off the video when I want.

So, here are some of those still pictures from my videos.

Below is a sandpiper of some kind on the Noyo River.



A little yellow bird came by as I was taking pics, as you can see below.



And from my Bobcat video, the below picture was produced.



And this coyote was getting a drink of water on the Sprague in Oregon, below.



An old buzzard and an eagle are having a little discussion, over a dead bird.



The buzzards is patient and will just wait until the Eagle eats what it wants and take the left overs.



A great egret has just caught a fish just below Monte Rio, as you can see in the pic below.



And these two mallard male ducks are having a confrontation. As you can see below, they don’t look like they are very  happy about things.



And this green heron below, taken at the Cassini ranch down below Monte Rio.



Not sure what kind of hawk this is below, but it was taken on Penny Island.



And a fairly good shot of a Kingfisher, below.



These seals were high tailing it over the sand bar to the ocean from the river, as you can see below.



And last, was this pair of wood ducks, taken at Villa Grande.


I did get some things accomplished today, mostly just from being persistent.

Had a great day.

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