Weed Mowing, Musical Chairs and Prepping for a Trip to the Albion River, CA.

Saturday April 18, 2015 Guerneville CA.

I decided to stay home today and do some much needed yard work. I started by putting the water on my blue berry plants which also have potato plants growing between them. The potato plants are just starting to come up which you can see in the foreground. The white stuff isn’t snow. It’s some white sand I added to the mulch, mostly because I was looking for a place to get rid of the sand and I thought it would make a good soil additive. water


Weed Mowing

One of the main reasons I stayed home to work on the yard was to mow some of the high grass down so I can walk around in the yard.

I filled the mower tank with gas and mowed until my back was hurting some and wishing the gas tank would run out of gas, but it didn’t. I  ran out of gas first, so had to shut the mower down and retired to a chair for a good break.

Here’s some of the progress I made around some of my fruit trees. I mostly just have to mow enough to get around right now, until the grass turns brown, then I have to finish up for fire prevention.grass


Musical chairs

Now that my back was hurting I was limited in what I could do for the rest of the day, so I mostly played what I call musical chairs.That’s when I bounce around, sitting in chairs I have scattered around the yard.

My California poppies are just starting to bloom. They look nice and lush.poppies


I checked out my roses that are just starting to bloom.

Here’s a red one.redrose


And a pink rose.pinkrose


I could hear some Valley Quail headed my way through the grasses so I sat down to watch and after awhile I spotted some of them sneaking by me.quial


Upcoming trip

I spent some time loading up my van for a trip I’m going on tomorrow. I’d like to kayak the Albion River in Albion, just up the coast. It’s not far from my friend Marty’s cabin in Boonville, so I’m headed up that way for several days or so.

I’ve never done the Albion river, but I’ve been checking up on it. It’s a narrow river that can be kayaked about five miles inland and back again to the ocean where Albion is.

It has fairly fast tidal currents, so I need to time my paddle to go up the river on the high tide, at least the first time, so I can see how it goes.

Of course I’ll spend a few days at the cabin in Boonville too, taking it easy I hope. Although, I remember Marty had some trees he wanted to fall, so I may have to do a little work too.

Internet access is real limited as in none, while I’m out there, so you may not hear from me for three or four days. There’s no internet at the cabin, so unless I go out somewhere, I’ll be out of range.

Nice day puttering in the yard and I got a little work done too.

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