What to do on a Wet Day, Adventure Time

Sunday, Dec. 16, 2012, Jenner, CA.

While you are all nice and warmsy at home

Well, maybe only a mini adventure time. I woke up late today, around eleven thirty, because I was doing some thinking until five in the morning, just couldn’t shut her down any sooner then that. But it’s ok, because all the things I have to do are my time, nobody else’s. :O)

There was a light drizzle outside, so I didn’t want to work on my van injection project, but I did want to go kayaking on the river, as I needed a break, as always :O) Since it was only drizzling here, I thought, maybe it will only be cloudy down at Jenner, as it’s on the ocean.

You see, the coastal mountain range I live in causes the clouds to rise up and drop some of their moisture, so, since Jenner is right on the ocean, maybe it wouldn’t be raining down there or very little.

And it wasn’t raining down there, only a bit foggy and misty.

As I put in, the view upriver below. Foggy, but a lot of birds out.



Below is the down river view from where I put in at the visitors center, looking toward the river’s mouth and toward the Pacific Ocean.



I paddled up the river to Eagle’s landing and below is what it looked like today, looking down river.



A little later in the day, the fog and mist started turning to light rain. Below, I’m sitting in one of my spots, called the slot, looking toward the town of Jenner across Penny Island.



I stayed in the slot for awhile, then worked my way down to the rivers mouth. Below you can see I ran into a bunch of seals in the water on the west end of Penny Island. I whistled a bit and they all popped up, more then I thought, were in the water. Just a few can be seen below, looking down toward the river’s mouth.



Below you can see a couple of the seals, it was getting fairly misty and damp at this time.



Lot of birds on the shore near the mouth of the river, but all the seals where gone and in the water.

I bet there must have been some fish in the water? Below you can see all the birds on the shore, near the river’s mouth where it runs into the ocean.



It was starting to get a bit more rainy, it had turned from misty to light rain, so I didn’t stay as long and headed for home around three thirty. You can see below that Jenner is getting more socked in by this time.



When I got home it was raining even more at my place, a medium drizzle.  I took a picture of my van. As you can see from the picture below, it was real wet and not a nice time to be working on it.


Instead, I brought more firewood into my house and stoked the wood stove and am doing email and writing this blog.

Had a nice adventurer day on the river in the weather.

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