When Jenner is Windy, the Place is All Mine

Tuesday, Apr. 9, 2013, Jenner, CA.

A bit on the windy side at Jenner today

I seemed to have missed posting yesterday. I did some shopping for parts, then went over and helped fix two computers for some friends which seemed to have taken up the whole day.

The weatherman said windy today.

The weatherman said the Jenner wind was sixteen miles an hour when I left this morning, and when I got there, I think he was right. But a little wind isn’t going to stop me from Kayaking and enjoying myself, no sir. I don’t really mind the wind as long as it’s not blowing freezing cold and it wasn’t. It was blowing, but he temperature was pleasant, so I put my boot in the water and paddled across to Penny Island, where I took my first break.

The water level of the river wasn’t as high today, as it was the other day, so it looks like the mouth may have opened up some more.

I’m sitting in my kayak on the edge of Penny Island in the below picture, just after I crossed over from the visitor’s center launch area.



Headed up the river.

After awhile, I headed all the way across the river and started up the south shore line, just taking it easy and poking along. I paddled up to the Eagles landing area, about a half mile up the river where I took a good long break, before deciding to go back down the river toward the mouth to see what’s going on down there.

The wind speed picked up to about twenty or so MPH.

The wind had picked up some, as I paddled down the backside channel of the island. I pulled into the slot down there that is out of the wind and took a break for awhile.

Looking out the slot toward Jenner, below.



Paddling in the wind.

Time to go out in the wind, so off I went, to the west end of Penny Island where there were some seals in the water and on out into the wind.

Below is a picture of me crossing toward the rivers mouth.



As usual, there were a bunch of seals beached on the beach. The River’s mouth was a lot more open than it was the other day. It looked like it had closed and then broke back open again, cutting the river channel deeper then it was before, thus the lower river water level.

Below, is a picture of the river’s mouth, looking out into the ocean.



The ocean was rough out there, as you can see below looking out the mouth of the river.



I paddled past the river’s mouth into a little coveish like area that was mostly out of the wind where I sat for awhile and checked things out.


Not a lot was happening today as far as wild life, so I headed back to the visitor’s center in a good wind and was off the water around three pm.

Some yard work too.

I went home and took a nap for awhile, then went out in the yard and put the new lawn mower belt on the mower and mowed a bit. The new belt was a little too big, so I’ll have to get another shorter one to make things work like they should, but I did get some mowing done, just the same. For some reason, I seemed to of gotten tired again, so a little nap was in order,………..again. :O)

Had a nice day.

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