Where There’s Snow, We Don’t Go

Wednesday June 14, 2023 Modoc National Forest CA.


After last evening’s monsoon thunder storms, this was the sunset.sunset1


Todays travels

We still had some rough road to travel to get out of the area we are in. This was the rockiest part, which was slow going.road2


And some of the road was still a bit muddy from yesterdays rains which was also a bit on the slow side.road3


Break time

We stopped here because we thought we had cell phone service but there was no internet, so we took a break to let the mud dry on the road a bit.vans4


We were almost out this road and this was the last rough place we had to  cross.crossing5


From there, the road got better and better as we went.road6


We thought this big grader was going to run into us, but he stopped and turned it around and went back the way he’d come.grader7


We finally came out onto road 447, a paved road that went the direction we wanted to go.vans8


Snow ahead

It was paved with almost no other traffic on it, so we could  slow down and travel the speed we wanted to travel. Not good, noting the snow on the mountains up ahead in the right, where we are headed.snow9


We are almost to our turn off, just up ahead, but it doesn’t look good as we can see snow from here.snow10


We turned onto the road that goes up into the mountains to talk things over.vans11


I said maybe a car will  come down and we can ask them. Marty said no car is going to come down that road and then we heard a car coming down it, so I flagged the guy down.

I asked if the road was open and he said he didn’t know as he didn’t go all the way up it.

Here’s the road up that looks real good down here. The sign says, no winter maintenance.road12


Change of plans

We talked it over and decided we didn’t need to deal with snow, so changed our plans and drove back down the highway to a small road I spotted on the way in.

We turned off here and drove on up the dirt road about a half mile past this point.road13


Tonight’s camp spot

We ended up  here on the hill, overlooking the valley in the background.camp14



I’ll be spending some time tonight looking at the map to find another way over the mountains to highway 395 and figuring out where we will be going from here.

We’ll be heading to Alturas to fuel and get some supplies so we can get back into the forest where we want to be.

Nice day.

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One Response to Where There’s Snow, We Don’t Go

  1. Gaelyn says:

    Those are some crazy roads.

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