Winds Up a Little as I Paddle Around the Russian River Estuary

Friday November 18, 2016 Jenner CA.

Winds blowing down river instead of up river

The wind was up a little as I put  my boat in the water at Jenner this morning. It was blowing from the south which meant it was blowing down the river instead of it’s usual up the river, but it wasn’t too bad.

I paddled across the river to Penny Island and on down to it’s lower end which looked like this.island


I worked my way across to John’s house where I talked with him for a bit. I sat here and talked with John.rivermouth


John took off to go do some shopping so I worked my way over to the river’s mouth area across here.mouharea


River’s mouth is open

I could see the mouth was open and the ocean was rough. There were birds and seals on the beach. It was going to high tide so lots of ocean water was coming into the river.mouth


Ocean waves roll in

Here’s some of the harbor seals resting on the beach as the ocean waves pounded away.seals


There were mostly seagulls on the beach with a few brown pelicans mixed in too.birds


Headed up the river

I didn’t stay long today and headed back up the river. I saw something move on the shoreline which turned out to be this killdeer feeding along the water’s edge.kildeer


I continued on up the river pulling into this slot on the upper end of Penny Island were I sat for a good


This slot is mostly out of the wind so is a nice place to take it easy for awhile, napping.sitplace


After a good rest there in the slot, I continued on up along the river’s south edge along here.upriver


Worked on the landing

I only went a short ways further and landed at Eagle’s Landing where I did some trail work so I can get to shore easier in this spot when the water’s level is high. I spent over an hour working on this, but when I was done it looked like it would work.

I put my boat back in the water and headed back down the river along here.jenner


Stopped by the log

And stopped by this big redwood log for a spell, just sitting and watching.log


I was ready to go in for the day, so I headed around the island’s upper end.penny


And crossed over the river to the boat ramp which looked like this as I crossed over, looking down river towards the ocean.rivercrossing


I pulled up on the boat ramp and got my car and loaded the boat and went on home for the day.

Cool outside at home

It was late in the day and cool outside so I didn’t do much except get some firewood in to warm things up a bit and that was my day.

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