Rainy Weather Kayak Jenner Anyway

Friday March 28, 2014 Jenner CA.

A little rain didn’t stop me

I heard the rain coming down again early this morning before light, so I stayed in bed a bit longer.

I’ve been lucky and the rain has mostly tapered off by late morning for several days now. Today, it took a little longer to taper off, and was still spitting showers when I left for Jenner. I was showered on the way driving down there too, but as I approached Jenner it was more foggy then showery so I put my boat in the water.

It was a bit windy today too

It was a bit windy and the wind was blowing in the opposite direction then it usually blows. It usually blows up the  stream instead of down the stream, like it was now.

The wind was ok with me, but with it blowing in this direction most of the spots I usually stop along the river now have wind blowing into them. This only causes me to use some spots I don’t usually use as I cross over to Penny Island and head on up the river.

This the the view just above the east end of Penny Island looking up the river. A few cormorants on the log. You can see it’s a bit foggy too, but not too bad.riverview


I paddled up along this shore line. This area I call Eagle’s Landing. Nice and lush.landing


I paddle up the river past eagle’s landing and on up to the Indian Rock Trail were I sat in my boat for awhile.

I noticed there were a bunch of cormorants across the river from me near Paddy’s rock, so I paddled over by them and worked my way around back of them and took this photo looking back across the river to the Eagle’s Landing area.cormorants


While I was over there, one of my harbor seal buddy’s popped up near me.seal


It was threatening to shower most of the time I was down there, but only did so a little, lucky for me.

I headed back down the river and this was my view as I approached the town of Jenner area.jenner


The wind died down a bit as I paddled down along the north side of Penny Island towards the river’s mouth.

This great blue heron was fishing on the west end of Penny Island as I went by. heron


John with his redwood slab

I saw John over by his house near the river’s mouth area and went over to see if he’d maneuvered the big redwood slab to his house yet?

He had it moved to his house but now he has to get it into his back yard, which might not be too easy, but that’s his problem. I talked with him for a bit before heading over to the river’s mouth.slab


It started to rain a bit, a shower was going over us, so I said bye. Lucky the shower didn’t last long.

The river’s mouth is open

As I left John’s place and headed across to the river’s mouth, this is what it looked like. Cormorants in the water and on land and also harbor seals on the right, on the beach. A few seagulls about too.moutharea


I got a little closer and this is what the open river’s mouth looked like today. mouth


Osprey put on a show

I didn’t stay too long at the mouth area and crossed back over to the north side where there were some big pine trees.

An osprey just landed in one of the pine trees fairly close to me, so I took it‘s photo.osprey


That one soon jumped into the air and flew off and another one landed almost in the same spot.osprey3


From there, I headed back up the river and was going along the north side of Penny Island and ran into this pair of mallard ducks. They kept their eyes on me as I passed, but didn’t seem too concerned.mallards


It was starting to look like it might start to shower more, so I headed on in for the day and took my boat out of the water and went on home.

It turned out to be a fairly nice day.

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