Working Our Way Out of the Forest Towards Home

Wednesday June 28, 2023 Bullard Bar Dam CA.

More recent blogs on the right sidebar under Recent Posts. Catch up post are there.

Headed for home

We only had about a hundred miles to go today, headed towards home. We sat around the camp spot until noon as it was so nice out. We were headed to our next camp spot on the way home.

Lots of washboard

This was the road we headed out on this morning. It sure had a lot of rough washboard on it for miles. The road was  much worse than when we came in on it a month ago for some reason.road1


We are coming out of the forest and on down to what they call Dixie Valley.road2


The pavement starts here in the middle of Dixie Valley where we stopped for a good break, before continuing on.pavement3


We got onto better roads the further south we drove.rod4


The clouds were building as the day progressed. We got some rain showers too, just above Downieville.road5



My van’s fan belts were squeaking a bit when going down hill, so we stopped here at this vista point so I could adjust them.vans6



We pulled into this empty camp ground for a break and some lunch.vans7


Here’s tonight’s camp spot, just above Marysville, CA., near the Bullard’s Bar Dam.camp8


We should make it home tomorrow.

Nice day.

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3 Responses to Working Our Way Out of the Forest Towards Home

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Looks like a good last night’s stop.

  2. Nancy K says:

    What a great trip. I’ve only caught a couple of days, so I’ll catch up when I get to Tucson.

  3. Gaelyn says:

    Pretty place to wrap this journey.

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