Dirt Bike Ride and Checking Out Armstrong Valley Farm

Tuesday April 6, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Missed Barry

Somehow my brother Barry pulled into  my yard and unloaded his dirt bike and rode up into the hills somewhere, so I got my dirt bike out and rode up to look for him. bike


Looking for Barry

I’d stop and listen for his dirt bike and move on when I didn’t hear it. I rode all over our place and part of the neighbors but didn’t hear a sound.


I stopped here at the Guerneville overlook for a bit. Looks like Korbel winery just turned over the grass in their vineyard down there.guerneville


I rode around a bit more and still couldn’t find him. He must have been resting someplace so I went on home.

Armstrong Valley Farm

Then I walked over to my brother Tom’s garden to see what he was up to.

He’s been prepping the ground and planting some stuff.garden


I found Tom in his hen house gathering eggs that he sells at the farmer’s markets.tom


Barry shows up

After that I went on home and was puttering around when Barry rode in on his dirt bike.

He said  he had fallen down and gotten some scrapes on an arm and a leg and some knee hurt too. Ought.

The bull flies

We were shooting the bull when Tom drove up on his golf cart so we all shoot the bull for a bitbarry


After they left I continued puttering around the yard doing little things and finished the day chair hopping.

Nice day.

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