Yard Puttering, Eggs and Egg Shells and Cherries

Thursday May 27, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Puttering around the yard day

I have this one door that goes to the outside that I always find open because the door handle latch isn’t catching right and needs some adjustment. I removed the door part and did some filing on it and put it back together and now I think the door will stay closed.doorjam1



I put some water on my two citrus trees, here’s one of them.citurs2


Yummy cherries

And of course I ate as many cherries as I could on and off all day.cherries3


Some digging

This planting plot needed digging up so I dug it up for planting.dig4


And I put the watering hose and timer on it so it’s ready to plant something in this spot.dugup5


Out of reach cherries

I’ve eaten most of the cherries down low on the tree and now most of the ones I have left are high up in the tree so I’ll be figuring out how to get some of those cherries down to where I can get them, maybe a long hooked pole would help by pulling the limbs down a bit.tree6


Egg shells

My chicken’s egg shell feeder was empty so I got my egg shells out of the house and crushed them up and put them in this feeder.
They like them better than the oyster shells I also feed them.eggshells7



Here’s about a weeks worth of eggs I’m taking into the house. I eat a lot of eggs.eggs8


Old well work

I also worked on the old well sediment removal project. It’s going slow and I’m only getting an inch or two of sand out each day. I’ll just keep working on it.

Nice day.

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