A Forest Ride In the Rain and a Mountain Lion

Saturday January 21, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

Another rainy day today. The best thing to do on a rainy day is to get out there and enjoy it as the forest is real different when it’s raining. I put on my heavy rain gear and fueled up a quad runner and went for it.

When I was younger we’d be out there as kids without even a rain coat as they didn’t used to make much in the way of good rain gear. But as long as you have a good warm place to come back to it was no problem. And kids move around a lot so it was easy to stay warm. If you got real wet, you just went home and changed clothes, but usually we just dried out enough by playing in the rain, unless it was really coming down.

Actually, the harder it rains the more interesting the forest was with water running everywhere, We got wet playing in the creeks too.

Ride in the rain

Anyway, by the time I got it going, the rain had slowed down quite a bit.

The first place I stopped was here to repair this ditch a bit with the shovel. Riding over this freshly made ditch tends to mess it up, but eventually the dirt will harden up and it will all be good.ditch1

I rode up this trail headed for the waterfall.trail2

This is the parking spot for the waterfall.ferns4

Waterfall and a new camera

Since the rain has slowed a bit, the waterfall wasn’t as big as I expected. I’ve noticed the last two times I’ve taken pictures of the fall, the water wasn’t very sharp for some reason, so when I got home I ordered up a new camera to replace the old one. I must of dropped the old one too many times.waterfall3

From there I rode on up the trail stopping here to do a bit of ditching so the water crosses the trail better instead of running down the trail. Just a bit of shovel work.water5

I made my way up to the Guerneville overlook and this was the view from that spot.view6

Then I headed on down this road,…..But.trail7

I ran into this road block which I could of cleared but didn’t feel like it so I turned around and went another way.blocked8

I was headed on over to pick up a couple of my trail cams that had been out there for a couple weeks now.

I stopped here to pick up one of the cams.quad9

From there, I headed on back home. Just as I made it home the rain picked up real good which would of been a better time to be out there, but I was done for the day.

I had about 400 pictures on each trail cam I picked up, a lot of it was just rain.

I had deer, skunks, foxes, possums, squirrels, a coyote and this cat.

Mountain Lion

This is the first time a cam has gotten a picture of a mountain lion on the property.cat1

Lots of rain

It’s been raining cats and dogs for the last 6 hours. I wonder where that old saying originated from? I’d like to see the waterfall now, but I think I’m in for the night. :O)

Nice day.

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2 Responses to A Forest Ride In the Rain and a Mountain Lion

  1. Ken Solbakken says:

    I enjoyed this blog a lot especially because you have lived in the forest where you grew up. The beautiful redwood forests has changed a little compared in time to what the world has changed. You have to ability to make a realistic comparison to your life as a child and to where you are now in life. This is a very hard thing to do. Realizing our mortality could be similar to watching an old tree you grew up with die in a winter storm.
    Thank you for sharing and yes it does look like a mountain lion roaming the hills trying to scratch out an existence.

  2. Deb says:

    I recall rainy days as a kid, some fun memories. The trees are very different in the rain and the snow as well. Sounds are more plentiful and nothing looks quite the same. That is quite the cat you have wondering around, might explain why you had no rabbits in the list of wildlife on the camera cards.

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