A Pelican Day at the Russian River Mouth

Thursday, July 4, 2013, Jenner, CA.

Kayaking Jenner on the Fourth of July

It looked like it was going to be another warm one today, but it wasn’t too bad when I got up. I headed to Monte Rio where I helped a friend do some electrical work, shot the bull with him for awhile then headed on down to Jenner to kayak, just before noon. Lots of cars at Jenner and lots of people in kayaks on the water.

I put my boat in the water and found a place to park and headed over to Penny Island and on up the river to Eagle’s landing where I stopped under a tree and took it easy watching the goings on, mostly of people in boats since there where quite a few of them around today. After a bit I went on over to Paddy’s rock and then went on up the river almost to the highway one bridge, then headed on back to Eagle’s landing again.

These two horses are almost always across the hill from the Eagle’s landing area that I sit at, usually just munching away.horses


I continued on down the river to just above Penny Island where I put ashore on the south side of the river. I wanted to go for a little walk to check on if there was any water in the swamp  and maybe go sit up on one of my rocks if I could make it to it?

This is where I put my boat ashore.shore


I walked up here, swampy type grass. I thought I might walk over to that rock up on the hill in the middle, but………….hike


I checked the water hole and it had water in it and there was some water in quite a bit of the grass, so I wasn’t able to make it over to the rock up on the hill, so I checked the area out and went on back to the river. Most of the berries in this spot where gone by now too.water


I put the boat back in the water and headed down the backside of Penny Island toward the river’s mouth. There was a momma mallard duck with her little ones in the brush as I passed. She was keeping an eye on me.momaduck


From there I worked my way on down to the river’s mouth that was open with lots of harbor seals and birds on the sandy beach, which is shown in the picture below.seals


That same little cute ducky that I saw yesterday was still down there, so I took some more pics of it.

Update: A friend tells me this is a Goldeneye. Seems to be a Barrow’s


There were a few brown pelican’s on the beach too. Merganser duck there too in this pic.pelican


A few more Pelicans arrived as I was watching.pelicans


I started to leave the area, but as I was leaving a couple hundred or so brown Pelican’s came in and landed on the sandy beach, so I went on back to get some pics. There’s a lot of pelicans to the right of the harbor seals on the beach,  maybe a couple hundred of them.moutharea


I zoomed the camera in for a closer shot for you guys, below. Some of them are taking a fresh water bath.pelican3


After checking all these pelicans out, I headed back in taking my time and had my boat out of the water just after five PM.

Another nice day a Jenner.

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