Wednesday January 22, 2020 Jenner CA.
Jenner paddle day
The weather guys said it’d be a low wind day around 2 miles per hour so after being shut in the house for rain yesterday I headed on down to Jenner. As I was driving down I noticed the river was pretty muddy when I went by Monte Rio and it was at Jenner too.
I put the boat in the water. There was almost no one around today which was nice.
Here I’m just leaving the boat ramp and headed over to the island by that big tree across the way.
Headed up river
I had decided to go up the river a short distance first today so I paddled up along the island’s edge.
Eagles Landing
I crossed over and paddled up along the shoreline to this area I call Eagles Landing. I looked but no eagles were up in the trees today.
Headed down river
I sat in my boat in that spot for a bit then turned my boat down river and headed back towards Penny Island just up ahead with Jenner in the background.
I paddled into this little channel on the upper end of the island and sat around for a bit before continuing on.
Headed to the river’s mouth area
I’m crossing over the river and headed down to the mouth area down there.
Lots of critters
There were lots of birds and harbor seals on the sandy beach by the mouth.
Lots of birds flying around too.
Open mouth
The mouth was wide open and it was low tide looking out into the ocean here.
One last look and I left the area.
Nice and more nice
This spot is not far from the mouth. I sat here for a bit as the day was nice and the weather guys were right about the wind which was also nice.
Looking west the sun was on it’s way down.
Headed for the ramp
I’m headed back in first to the island and then to the boat ramp about a half mile or so.
As I got close to the boat ramp this Zodiac pulled in before me and the truck pulled up too. Oh, oh, police. I don’t see them down this way much.
They left the boat there and left so I pulled in and loaded my boat on the car and was on my way home shortly.
Nice winter day
There wasn’t too much daylight left when I got home. I checked on the chickens and went on in the house for a nap and that was my day for a real nice one.