Another Day Doing Forest Fire Rehab Work

Tuesday December 1, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Hornet nest

On the way out the driveway this morning I spotted this nest on the ground or what’s left of it. It appears to be a hornet nest that was destroyed by some kind of bird as it was way up in a tree. It had rather large holes in it so I assume it was Hornets as yellow jacket holes would be smaller.nest


Rehab work

I was on the dirt bike headed up to where the dozer was parked. My plan today was to do some more forest fire rehab work on roads and fire breaks.

I did some work and parked here for a bit of a break before continuing on.dozer


Smoothing out roads

They made big fire breaks on the ridge tops so I did some back blading to smooth things out in some places where there were roads.blade


I was working up on the hill tops for some of it.hiilltop


There’s the town of Guerneville down there in the forest.guerneville


Main road

The fire guys used this main road a lot to get back and forth to the fire where it was burning so it needed some touching up here and there but most of it was in good shape.road


Parked for the night

They did cut off the road going up the hill in this spot so I  had to move a little dirt here to correct the problem. I parked the dozer here and started walking back to the spring where the motor bike was parked as it would be dark soon.roadwork


Walking back

I walked down this road on the way back to the dirt bike. There’s always sticks and things to throw off the road as I go.walk


And I walked through this spot.ferns


And down through this road, almost to the spring.walking


Good water

Since the dirt bike was parked at the spring I didn’t want to pass up a chance to get a real good fresh drink of water.spring


I hopped on the dirt bike and headed down the hill towards home where it was getting dark.

The chickens were already in their roost so I closed them up for the day and went on in and had some dinner and that was it for me today.

Nice day.

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