Baby Swallows, Poppies and I Cut Trees Off the Roads

Sunday June 25, 2017 Guerneville CA.

Watching the swallows

I was sitting outside today in front of these little swallows as they waited for adults to bring on the bugs. The adults would fly in low and circle not sure of me, but then they would land and feed the young.swallows


I still have some California poppies blooming.poppies


Cutting down trees off the road

Today I was going to go up the hill and cut some trees off the road that fell down last winter during storms..

I loaded up the quad runner with my chainsaw and was on the way up this road.road


Tossing rocks

I stopped at this spot to throw those rocks off the


This was the first spot I cut trees off the road.tree2


I cut several other trees off the road at other places and was getting tired.

This slug was the only critter I saw up in the forest today.slug


The biggest tree mess

I knew I had one more big tree mess to cut up so I made my way up to it. There were six or so trees down cress crossing the road blocking it.trees


I needed to cut them all up into pieces the tractor can push off the road.

After some work and sticking the saw once I got it all cut into smaller stuff.cutup


Stuck chainsaw

I stuck the saw good and didn’t think I was going to get it unstuck and would have to go get another saw to cut the first one loose. But I processed and after working it back and forth and much pulling I got it unstuck so I could finish the job.

I was beat so headed down the road stopping at this spot to walk down that road a bit to check it out for trees, but there weren’t any.walk


That’s it for me today

That’s good there weren’t any trees on that road as I was too pooped to cut any more up today. I know there are more trees but they will have to wait for another day.

I headed on down the hill and stopped at one of my brother’s gardens to see what was growing.garden2


I looked around then went on home for a nap. The rest of the day I spent chair hopping around the yard and that was my day.

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3 Responses to Baby Swallows, Poppies and I Cut Trees Off the Roads

  1. Bob Noble says:

    Hi Patsy,
    The roads are on family property. I’m the main road guy but I do get some help from some of my brothers when they have time. There’s always plenty to do when I get the time, most of it is enjoyable luckily, at least to me.
    I’m not sure why you sometimes get errors publishing comments? You might let me know what error you get when that happens. I too get errors sometimes while leaving a comment on some blogs and it’s frustrating when what you typed just disappears.

    • Patsy Irene says:

      How nice to have family property and brothers close. I enjoy having my sisters closer too.
      I’ll let you know about the errors. Today’s went just fine. Hmm. I hate re-typing things too!

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Some days I get error messages when trying to comment on your posts, yet others go through fine. Weird.
    I will write this one again in the hopes it goes through.
    I trust this is your property that the road and the downed trees are on? So it is only you who has to worry about cleaning them up. Nice on-going chore when you want to get out there.
    I like to chair hop too since I can’t read as well standing up!

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