Bike Lower Kit, a Ride and a Yummy Dinner

Thursday November 23, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Dirt bike lower kit

The trouble with these modern dirt bikes is they are just too high off the ground, especially for an older guy. Since it’s harder to get your feet on the ground, they fall over a lot more.

I bought a kit to  lower my bike and it came in the other day, so today was the day to install the kit.bike1


I removed this link from the bottom of the bike and installed the new one that was adjustable. The seat went from 37.4 inches down to 34 and a half inches just installing it and it has a lot more adjustment to go even further.link2


Since the bike was lower, I needed a shorter kick stand so bought this adjustable one that is on the ground.kick3


I looked at the kickstand spring that I would have to get off and put back on. It was tight and I knew a pair of pliers wasn’t going to work too good to do that.spring4


Spring puller

I made up this spring puller that made the job real easy.puller5


Test ride

About that time  my brother Tom came by and said let’s go for a ride to the top of the hill to test it out, so we took off.

The bike is much better this way. I’ll test it out some more and maybe drop it a little more.

We made it to the top for a break.tom6


Another nice day resting at the top of the mountain.stting7


Thanksgiving dinner

We headed on home and Tom invited me to dinner. Dominique was doing the cooking. She makes most stuff from scratch, so no corn in it.dinner8


My plate is stuffed. This is the first real dinner I’ve had in 25 years and it was delicious.

There’s corn in most everything is the reason I haven’t had a real dinner in that long. She is real careful and makes most everything so I felt I’d be safe. So far, so good.plate9


She made this pie from fresh pumpkin and it was yummy.pie10


I took two fresh crab home that Tom caught yesterday and a good helping of what we ate tonight.

Nice day.

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5 Responses to Bike Lower Kit, a Ride and a Yummy Dinner

  1. Gaelyn says:

    Three inches is a lot. Are your legs shrinking? Dinner looks great and glad you could safely eat it.

  2. Dominique says:

    Everything was made from scratch! The only thing we didn’t make was the wine ; ) Made me happy to see your full plate and you enjoyed a complete Thanksgiving dinner, for a change. I’m glad you enjoyed it!

  3. Patsy Irene says:

    Bike not bore. Should never comment on my phone.

  4. Patsy Irene says:

    That bore sounds a whole lot safer now! Good job.
    Happy Thanksgiving! My plate was full too and so was my tummy.

  5. Nancy K says:

    I like nothing better than flat feet with a bike. Glad you got that fixed. As for dinner … wow!! Fresh pumpkin pie? YUM!! And fresh crab? I’m jealous!!!

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