Bulkhead Work and Protecting My Mandarin Trees

Saturday November 15, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Bulkhead work

It was time to do some more work on getting this bulkhead fixed up. I need to do the part in front of the chair and the part to the right of it.bulkhead1


Making a post

But first I needed to weld another post up for it.post2


Welded up the frame

I worked all day at welding the metal frame in and got that part done, ready for some more sheet metal another day.frame3


Frost protection

I noticed some ice in a puddle today so thought I better get some protection on the mandarin trees, or else they might freeze. I’m going to use that garden cover stuff in the picture, but that stuff is rotten so Tom gave me some more old stuff to use.trees5


Tiny fruits

If I don’t protect the trees, these fruits might freeze and fall off, like they did last year.fruit6


I cut up the protection fabric.cut7


And hung it over the two trees and used some metal staples to help hold it around the trees. That should protect them if it doesn’t freeze to hard.covered8


Nice day.

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2 Responses to Bulkhead Work and Protecting My Mandarin Trees

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    Covering should protect the fruit. Good luck!

  2. Judith says:

    Ghosts lurking around your place.

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