Cabin Work Camped Near Boonville CA.

Thursday May 15 2014 Boonville CA.


I arrived at my friend Marty’s cabin just after noon on Tuesday. I stopped to open the gate to enter the road to the property and then just cruised on down to the cabin area. I found Marty relaxed in a chair sitting in front of his cabin. There was a cool breeze blowing which made for a real nice day.

I asked him what we needed to do today and he replied that the first day up at the cabin was a do nothing day. Ok, I can handle that, so we just sat around in our chairs shooting the bull for the rest of the day enjoying.

Van camp site

I did get my van parked nicely in it’s camp spot on the road near his



The next day, we got up and got going slowly. Eventually, I watched Marty hang a new piece of metal gutter over his stairs. I helped a bit once or twice, but mostly just supervised the job sitting in my chair keeping out of the way.

Here is Marty just getting a piece of the gutter screwed up there in front of his cabin. That’s his old van on the right side, not mine. They are very similar.cabingutter


A little walk for exercise

That job didn’t take too long or wear me out much, but we took a break for awhile anyway before going up the hill for a little walk.

We drove his van up the hill above his cabin and parked the van, then started our walk down the hill back to his cabin.

We walked through this part of the forest just after getting started.forest


We followed this old logging road down the hill for a bit hopping carefully over the logs across the road. Here is Marty carefully picking his way through the logs.trail


We crossed through this spring area just above his cabin with big green ferns.marty


That little hike wore us both out.We rested up a bit in the cabin before taking my van back up the hill to get his van. The rest of the day we sat around and just enjoyed the day again as the breeze was blowing very nicely.


Thursday, we got up late and eventually Marty got back up on the roof again to do some repairs. I mostly sat in my chair and supervised some more and I also played safety inspector warning him to be careful and not to fall off the roof.cabin

A critter

I had an eye out for any critters in the area while supervising. There were some fat lizards running around in front of his cabin and here is one of them.lizzard


The sun warmed the metal roof up too much and Marty quit until later in the day. We had lunch and took it easy until the sun started to go down a bit behind the trees then we resumed the work on the roof, with me supervising again.

Marty is fitting a piece of trim on the roof of his cabin.cabinroof


Marty  made short work of that, so he came down and gathered all his tools up and declared the rest of the day a no work day.

Made some noodles

It was my turn to cook. I decided on chicken noodle soup with home made noodles, so I  made some dough, rolled it out and cut it into noodles.

My freshly made noodles ready to be cooked which Marty took with his camera while I was making the noodles.noodles


I cooked up the noodles and some chicken and onions and eggs and combined everything for an old fashioned chicken noodle soup type thing.

This is a picture Marty took of his first bowl of tasty noodles.soup


That sure tasted good.

I decided to go back to my van to get something together so I can post a blog tomorrow when I go on up to Fort Bragg, CA. to kayak the Noyo River. I’ll try to find a place to post this in the town of Mendocino or Fort Bragg before I go kayaking if I can.

I’m at McDonalds in Fort Bragg posting this post. I’m headed over to do an evening kayak on the Noyo river.

Next post either tonight or tomorrow?

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