Day 5 Headed to the Humboldt Mountain Range

Thursday October 1, 2020 Humboldt Mountain Range Nevada

Exploring the desert

Last night we could hear wild horses coming in and down to the water hole below our camp spot. It was a full moon so looking out the windows you could see horses sneaking past us, some of them very cautious.

Wild horses

In the morning there were still some wild horses wanting to get to the spring water below us but most of them waited until we left down that road there in the middle.horses1


As we took off in our rigs going down the road by them they took off for a short distance before turning back to the water hole.horses2


We continued on down the road getting us down off the hill. The wild horses have trails all over this area.road3


Traveling Immigrate Road

We turned onto Immigrate Road and eventually came to this corral.correl4


We stopped to check it out. It had water and was a place to work cattle.correl5


The only longhorn we saw today headed for the water.horns6


Long road

We traveled a long way on Immigrate Road today headed up to the Humboldt Mountain Range. Most of the road was like this.road7


American Canyon road

We turned onto the American Canyon Road and went up here headed into the hills.road8


We stopped here by these old cabins for a much needed lunch break. The cabins were old mining cabins but not in use anymore.lunch9


Big mine up ahead

After lunch and a good rest we continued on up the road and could see a big mine up ahead.road9


This mine was huge.mine10


And it seemed to be expanding as they were getting ready to remove this hill and most of that valley. It appeared that they had just started this expansion project just a short time ago.miners11


They had equipment working all over that hill and were getting ready to tear it all down. I think they were getting gold in this area.machines12


Spring Canyon camp spot

We were looking for a camp spot for the day and drove on down this road that goes through Spring Canyon.flowers13


We found some big cottonwood trees to camp under by a babbling brook. We set up camp.camp15


What’s this

And then I went for a short walk up the hill and was wondering what the heck this was. A metal box on a metal pipe set in cement. I’d soon get the answer.post14


This is the area I walked up to. An old mining area.hike15


Miner’s boundary claim post

On the way back I saw this pole and some horses in the background. I recognized that pole as a miner’s claim boundary marker which also has a little metal box on it to put the mining claim info inside. The other red box was just a modern one of these.post16


These wild horses wanted to get a drink of water but were weary of us.horses17


Camp for the night

I headed back down to camp under those trees where Marty is sitting in his chair enjoying the day.camp16


Tomorrow we will be moving to a new camp spot somewhere to be determined. I haven’t been able to get an internet lock so haven’t been able to post a blog and where we are going doesn’t look too good for a cell lock either.

Nice day exploring around the desert.

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One Response to Day 5 Headed to the Humboldt Mountain Range

  1. Nancy K says:

    What a great adventure!! How cool to just wander all those roads to old mines. The horses are wary because they’ve been chased by BLM trying to capture them and cattle ranchers trying to chase them off the feed. Aren’t they gorgeous? Love those guys.

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