Dental Work and Getting the Van Loaded Up for a Trip to Port Orford Oregon

Wednesday July 1, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Shopping day

I’m planning on leaving for a trip up to Port Orford Oregon tomorrow so I needed to do some shopping for the trip.

I figured I could do it all at Costco.


But first I needed to keep my dentist appointment as I needed a couple of small fillings in a couple of teeth.

That went well but my jaw was numb for most of the day.

I found most of the stuff I needed at Costco and headed on home and put the stuff away in the van and some in the fridge until I’m ready to leave.

Loading up

I spent most of the day loading up the van with stuff I’d need, mostly clothes and food stuffs. I’m still working on that and have a few more things to add before I take off.

Chicken helper prep

I spent a good deal of time getting chicken stuff together for my helper to take care of them while I’m gone and I showed her what she needed to do. I also pointed out the blueberries and raspberries and apricots that would get ripe while I was away and they were hers.

I got my kayak and the stuff that goes with it loaded up and tied down.

Long drive

So tomorrow I’ll head north, likely not too early. It’s about a nine hour drive up there so I’ll be driving most of the day. And internet will be scarce for a bit so it’ll likely be a couple days before I can post again.

Concerned about lock down

I do have some concern that they might lock everything down in the Port Orford area for the holiday and if they do that will be a bummer as I have some exploring I want to do in the area around the ocean.

I’ll just have to make the best of whatever the situation turns out to be.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to Dental Work and Getting the Van Loaded Up for a Trip to Port Orford Oregon

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    I hope you had a great drive! I’m sure you’re there. Fingers crossed you have no trouble getting to the areas you went to visit.

  2. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    Enjoy the ride!…I hope the weather works for you…I just got back from a road-trip to Montana ….and back…The rains started, 2″‘s an hour forecast, not meee…

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